Yoga @ WIP
We offer Yoga on Sunday mornings at 10:10!
Our Yoga classes are suitable for all levels. We have some pretty awesome instructors, too!
Why do Yoga?
Yoga lengthens muscles and improves mobility. By targeting tight spots, specifically hips, hamstrings, and shoulders, yoga balances out contractive exercises. Increasing range of motion reduces injury and improves recovery time.
Yoga highlights breath and balance. Learning to manage and regulate breath improves cardiovascular performance during metabolic sessions.
Yoga improves core strength, leading to an improved posture and a healthy spine.
Yoga offers a chance to relax. Often called the Best Finisher Ever, Savasana (final resting pose) may be your sole opportunity during the week to really unwind, let go, relax and be present.
Yoga helps improve your relationship with your body. By tuning in to your inside “voice”, a regular yoga practice allows you to safely ramp up or tone down your workouts. Body wisdom and proper alignment are essential for avoiding injury and promoting longevity in your physically active life.
Overall, Yoga is a great compliment to your WIP workouts!